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Costa del Sol
SpainCosta del Sol as destination gives you everything you need for a perfect and classic golf holiday, filled with both golf and leisure. Enjoy cities from Malaga, Mijas, Torremolinos, Marbella, Estepona, Sotogrande and Gibraltar. It’s very easy to travel to the area, all major airlines have direct flights to Malaga.

Costa Blanca
European UnionCosta Blanca is a beautiful part along the coastline of Spain. The whole area itself offers a rich mix of golf, culture and leisure. You can easily get here by direct flights to Alicante, which is the central hub in the area. Costa Blanca is truly a golfer's haven with golf clubs to suit every need.

PortugalAlgarve is one of the most popular destinations for holidaymakers who also want to play golf. There are few areas in southern Europe that have such a large selection of golf courses. The nice weather, large number of beaches and delicious food makes it an even more attractive destination.